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That's what 99% of people ask before orthodontics!

Source:Pujing Dental ClinicUpdated on:2022-05-07

We all have a lot of questions to ask before we correct them

“Does whole tooth have side effect?”

“Can my condition be corrected?”

“Can I not have my tooth extracted?”

I'll do it for you today

The most frequently asked questions

Problems needing attention before, during and after correction

After reading your doubts about dental work, you should eliminate 90% ~

1. Is there any age limit for orthodontics?

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There is no age limit for orthodontics, but early intervention around age 3 is recommended for some special conditions, such as osteodysmenorrhea, buckteeth, etc. (the specific needs to be determined by the growth and development of teeth).

2. Can the tooth after correction become loose?

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During correction, the force on the tooth causes it to move, and during this movement, the tooth will loosen slightly. But after the treatment is completed and maintained for a period of time, the alveolar bone around the tooth is rebuilt and the tooth will become as firm as before.

So there is no need to worry about the teeth will become loose after correction.

3. How to clean your mouth with braces?

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The methods of care for fixed orthotics and invisible orthotics are different, but the ultimate goal is the same. — Maintain oral hygiene.

No matter which kind of orthodontic way, we should pay attention to brushing teeth and gargling, cleaning braces.

4. Do I have to wear a retainer after I remove my braces?

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Yes, you must wear the retainer on time after removing the braces, which will directly affect the final effect and quality of the treatment.

Because our teeth are not stable in the new position, we must use a retainer to rebuild the alveolar bone in the new position, so our teeth will remember the location of the new home.

5. Must tooth extraction be necessary for orthodontics?

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6. What are the options for orthotics?

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At present popular is: steel wire correction, ceramic correction, invisible correction and lingual correction.

7. What is the use of rubber bands in correction?

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Generally speaking, rubber bands mainly play the following roles:

1) Close the gap

2) Adjust the center line

3) Adjust the anterior tooth overlaying

4) Adjust the occlusal relationship

8. How long should I wear the braces?

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Correction usually takes about one and a half to two years.

Orthodontic treatment is usually faster for children than for adults, but the length of treatment varies slightly for different dental conditions and treatment regimens.

PuJing Dental Clinic