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What is Immediate implant?

Source:Pujing Dental ClinicUpdated on:2021-10-14

Immediate implant placement it means after tooth extraction, put the artificial implant immediately. Now, the common view divided into four categories, the first one is immediate implant, it’s defined as implant implantation immediately after tooth extraction. The second and third categories can be classified as early implantation after tooth extraction. The fourth type of planting opportunity is also called late planting.

According to experts from Pujing dental clinic, the immediate dental implant is to directly implant artificial roots on the wound after removing the patient's bad teeth, so as to solve the problem of tooth loss at one time. In general, immediate implant is more suitable for anterior teeth and premolars, which requires sufficient alveolar bone at the root. Some patients with loose teeth due to alveolar bone loss are not suitable for immediate implant surgery.

      Immediate implantation reduces the number of operations, shortens the course of treatment, reduces surgical trauma and patients' pain. With the development of implant technology and the continuous improvement of implant shape design and surface treatment, a large number of studies in the past ten years have shown that the success rate of immediate implant with strict selection of indications is similar to that in the healed alveolar ridge.

       The suitable sites for immediate implant are usually anterior teeth and premolars. The root side is required to have at least 3-5mm bone mass in order to obtain the initial stability of implant implantation. For molar sites, the bone mass of alveolar septum after tooth extraction often can not support the stability of implant, and immediate implant is rarely used in clinic. Generally, it is implanted in the later stage after complete bone healing of alveolar fossa 4 months after tooth extraction. In addition, if the affected tooth site has a large number of bone defects or soft tissue inflammation due to periodontal disease or periapical periodontitis, it is not a good indication for immediate implantation. In this case, early implantation is recommended at the anterior tooth site.

       At present, a large number of clinical studies have shown that immediate implantation has aesthetic risks, especially in the maxillary anterior tooth area. Many literatures reported that the labial gums retracted after immediate implantation of maxillary anterior teeth, and even exposed the cervical edge of the implant, which seriously affected the aesthetic effect. In terms of aesthetics, immediate implantation requires high local anatomical conditions. Patients with thin gums and high smile line with labial bone plate defect should use this technology with caution, and early implantation after tooth extraction can be considered.

  however, Pujing dental clinic reminds toothless people that immediate dental implant surgery is very strict in terms of disinfection, implant angle and depth. Only qualified dental hospitals and qualified professional implant doctors can perform the operation. Therefore, edentulous patients must carefully choose dental hospitals and experts.

PuJing Dental Clinic